About Shattered Icon

Shattered Icon is an artistic celebration of the human body through sensual imagery. Artist and models together endeavor to create works of art to represent the beauty of all bodies.

Regarding Iconoclasts and Iconoclasm

An iconoclast is one who attacks beliefs, standards, and institutions in an attempt to break down the foundations of ordered society. In the wake of iconoclasm, from the broken pieces of those institutions, new order can be molded from the vision of those bold enough to make their dreams a reality.

Iconoclasm is by definition challenging. The experience of questioning the assumptions of our social order can shake the pillars on which we’ve built our understanding of reality. While challenging, it need not be destructive. Whatever remains, echoes of memories, are used to draw the outlines of new order.

Regarding Artistic Integrity

Art is not an investment. Art should not be collected with the intention of building value. Art is the domain of all humanity. The practice of making art solely for the modern patron in the pursuit of pecuniary goals only serves to blur the vision and deaden the heart. Art should be affordable and available for all to enjoy.

Art is the expression, not the claim, of an artist. Art, once expressed, should be received by the viewer without the guidance of the artist. Art should not be accompanied by a statement, statements instruct the viewer in how to interpret the art. Art should not be signed, signatures predispose the viewer to the mindset of the artist.