Model Call
Shattered Icon is excited to work with models of all genders, races, ethnicities, ages, shapes, and sizes. Beauty will be found in every body.
The Arrangement
Anyone working as a model with Shattered Icon will be required to sign a standard model release form. The release describes the terms and permissions granted to Shattered Icon for the use of any works created.
The basics are:
- Models will be paid for services at a rate agreed upon before sessions commence. We can agree on what the proper compensation will be before arranging any modelling sessions. Each session will be paid immediately upon the completion of the session.
- Shattered Icon can use any works created during sessions. This means that the images might be displayed on the internet or in a public or private gallery, images might be used as marketing or promotional material,images might be used to create derivative works, and images might be offered for sale.
- Shattered Icon will not have permission to use the name or likeness of the model. The utmost care is taken to avoid creating works that can be identified as the model. This is a standard of care for the protection of models. The restriction against using the model’s name includes any fictitious names such as internet handles.
- Models do not have any claim to works created in sessions. This means that the models are not guaranteed any portion of revenue from the sale of works, though such may be offered as part of the compensation for modeling services.
- Models do not have oversight or approval of works prior to display. While this is written into the agreement for the protection of Shattered Icon, generally we will want our models to be happy with the works that are created. That is best for our relationship.
The Requirements
There are a few requirements that must be met by all models before a modeling arragement can be established. These requirements exist to ensure a productive relationship and for the protection of Shattered Icon.
- All models must be adults.
- All models must be willing to sit for live modeling sessions partially and/or fully nude as requested by the artist.
- All models must be willing to have graphite or charcoal drawings, paintings, or other representative artworks created during live modeling sessions. Photographic works may also be created as a part of modeling sessions, but participation in photography sessions is optional and up to the discretion of the model.
The Care
The sensitive nature of the relationship between artist and model must be nurtured and built over time. Shattered Icon respects models and will do everything possible to earn and keep the trust necessary for a mutually benefitial situation.
- The artist will not touch or comment on the body of the model without consent.
- The artist will maintain a respectful distance from the model during a session. If something necessitates that this distance be closed, the artist will communicate their intentions prior to approaching the model.
- The model may elect to cover themselves at any point they feel uncomfortable. They may remain covered until such a point that they are once again comfortable to continue.
- The model may elect to bring another person of their chosing to the session with the prior approval of the artist.
The Next Steps
If you wish to pursue a modeling arrangement with Shattered Icon, send an email to